After developing a brief idea of Interactive Timeline on LinkedIn for my Media Specialist Practice project, the next step was to brainstorm features and information that can be included on the interactive timeline.
Information that can be included:
Job title, company and employment period throughout the year
Gap between employment
Education background Certification or skill obtained
Career promotion
Clap button for congratulating career promotion
Visual presentation
Instead of a linear line, timeline of career path can actually be presented as a different shape. Career ladder is known as the metaphor of job promotion. Why don’t we present the timeline as a stair/ladder shape like? Especially there are so many good things of using metaphor in UX design. This visualization will surely draw the attention of the users and make easier to interpret the information.
Metaphor: Career ladder
Difficulties/Challenges to be solved
- What if a person has rich professional experience that the timeline is not long enough to accommodate?
- How to define and present career promotion in an objective and appropriate way?
- How to make the timeline simple, direct and intuitive as the interface area is limited?